Gramin Vikas Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s

Late M.D. Sisode Alias bhausaheb arts, commerce and dr. sau ushatai prasadrao tanpure science college

Nardana, Taluka – Shindkheda | Affiliated with K.B.C. North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon



F. Y. B. A.

Marathi General, Defense Studies, Psychology, Economics, Sociology, Political Science,
Geography, History, Hindi, Compulsory English, English-Optional, Marathi (Upyojit- General)

S. Y. B. A.

Marathi – Special, Defense Studies, Psychology General, Economics Spl, SociologySpl, Political
ScienceSpl, GeographySpl, History Spl, Hindi (General), English Spl, (Compulsory) English (Optional
English-General), Marathi (Upyojit- General)

T. Y. B. A.

Marathi – Special, Defense Studies Special, Psychology General, Economics Spl, Sociology Spl,
Political Science Spl, Geography Spl, History Spl, Hindi (General), English Spl, Compulsory English,
Optional English,, Marathi (Upyojit- General)
Year of Introduction – 1990
Program Duration – 3 Years
Affiliation – Temporary




Courses Offered


Bachelor of Arts

First Year
(CBCS Semester Pattern)

1.      English

2.      Marathi

3.      Geography

4.      Political Science

5.      Economics

6.      Environment

7.      Hindi

8.      History

9.      Psychology(Gen)

10.  Additional English

11.  Defense Studies

12.  Sociology

Second / Third Year
(CBCS Semester Pattern)

Compulsory Subject :

1.      Compulsory English

2.      Modern Indian Languages – Marathi, Hindi

3.      Subjectwise Skill Based Course

4.      General Knowledge

Special Subject :

1.      English

2.      Marathi

3.      Geography

4.      Economics

5.      Political Science

6.      Hindi

7.      History

8.      Defense Studies

9.      Sociology

10.  Psychology (Gen)

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