Gramin Vikas Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s

Late M.D. Sisode Alias bhausaheb arts, commerce and dr. sau ushatai prasadrao tanpure science college

Nardana, Taluka – Shindkheda | Affiliated with K.B.C. North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon

Department of English

Department of English


The Department of English was established in the year 1971 with a moderate strength of students. Teaching of English started from general level but in times of flow it shifted to special level. The department has made conspicuous progress in relation to academics and its results, along with quantitative growth. The post graduate department started in 2007-08, department created its own mark and glory till to this day. Department of English takes pride in the glorious tradition of teaching English Language and Literature to the Under-Graduates as well as Post- Graduate students.


Salient Features

Department of English is basically concerned with building language skill, communication aspects, and interactive skills in students of FY, SY and TYBA. Business communication is taught for FY B.Com students who are deal with all the aspects of corporate communication. The students are introduced to the therotical and practical aspects of corporate communication. Different concepts of written and oral communication, business reports and proposals are all taught to the students. Bridge course is introduced to the FYBA along with writing, reading and listening skills devolvement as well as focus is given to various reports, E-mails writing and even Editing. The department runs Functional English and English Language lab to improvise the students into English Speaking proficiency.
The Department of English always strives hard to achieve academic excellence. The quest for development is never ending. We organize poster presentation, Seminar, English Proficiency Test to enhance research aptitude and communicative competence of the students. From the academic year i.e. 2018-19 our department has started Value added course in Soft Skills Development for overall and holistic development of the students. Department always promotes its faculty members to participate in various academic conferences/workshops/seminars/symposia for capacity building and research.

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